Getting involved as a Staff Member


Staff members are vital to the effective running of Peer Support schemes. While our Peer Support schemes are managed and operated by teams of dedicated students, none of our work is possible without the support and backing of dedicated, enthusiastic members of staff. If you are interested in becoming a part of Peer Support as a staff member, there are two main roles you can take on, and you can find more information about them below: Academic Coordinator and Administrative Coordinator.


Every scheme will have at least one Academic Coordinator already; however, feel free to reach out to your scheme's current Intern, using the link at the bottom of this page, to see if the Academic Coordinator would appreciate some help. As well as this, you can offer your name to take over the role if the current Academic Coordinator decides to step down.

Whilst all schemes have an Administrative Coordinator, many of these are simply generic school-wide, or even faculty-wide, administrators. Having a scheme-specific administrative coordinator is a massive help to a scheme, as it enables them to book rooms and organise budgets much more efficiently. Again, use the link at the bottom of this page to contact your scheme's Lead Contact Intern and see if they need an Administrative Coordinator.


Additional Support:

Even if you are not in one of the two official staff roles for your department's Peer Support programme, you can support the great things they do various ways!

Lecturer to Level 1

The very best Peer Support schemes are embedded within teaching! If you lecture to Level 1 it would be great if you could find out what exists in your programme (contact the Academic Coordinator for example) and pro-actively engage with the scheme. Promoting it during teaching sessions and even reminding students that if they come across a tricky aspect of the course they can talk to their Peer Mentors or PASS Leaders about it. As a key member of staff in a first year's journey, mentioning Peer Support within your daily teaching can really support the work the scheme does!

Academic Advisor 

If you are an Academic Advisor for Level 1 students, find out if they attend/are engaging with their Peer Mentors/PASS Leaders. If not - encourage them to and pass on any feedback to staff and student Coordinators. 

If you are an Academic Advisor for higher level students you could encourage them to take on the role of a Peer Mentor or PASS Leader. This leadership opportunity counts towards their Stellify Award!

Becoming part of Peer Support is rewarding as you get to see first-hand how the support you give helps a great number of students across all years. You will also come into contact with some of the most engaged, dedicated, and creative students at the university, all looking to volunteer their time to help others. In working with these students you will see them develop, and working with them will give you an advantage in tailoring your course to the student’s needs.

Peer Support offers you workshops to meet with staff and students from different departments, schools, and faculties, to share best practice and visions for the future of student support.

If you'd like to know more about the role profile of Academic and Administrative Coordinators, whether for PASS or Peer Mentoring schemes, email the Peer Support team at and we can email you over the Role Profile documents!

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